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Uma (a.k.a. The Kind One)

Uma is a kind and loving member of the Green Snow Shamans, an order of the Snow Shamans dedicated to healing. She has been recognized to be on the fast track to leadership due to her ability to understand others and her genuine interest in supporting and protecting the Naru.   Some of her findings have been pivotal in stopping potential pandemics early on and have even benefited other races on different worlds than Limera. She is often nicknamed "The Kind One" separating her from fairly disliked twin sister Mujeh

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

At a young age, Uma identified that keeping meats in the snow without covering it was a source of diseases. Ever since, Naru have been putting their meats in pots. As a result, thousands of lives were spared within her lifetime alone.

Mental Trauma

Keeping her sister's secrets has taken a toll on Uma. She sometimes drifts away in her mind, and stops responding to outside stimuli until her memory has ended. Regardless of this, she refuses to reveal them in the hope that her sister can redeem herself.
Current Location
179 years
Oval shaped, light green eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green-blue ish
1.97 meters

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